Sunday, September 27, 2009

my cocoa is the bomb!

i don't remember it getting this cold so early.
is it just me?
surely not.
yes, it is true that "cold" to me constitutes anything
below 60* that so wrong?
if this is what fall is going to be like....then i don't even want to
think about what it's going to be like this winter.

good thing i have this foolproof way to keep warm.

first you start with your favorite big mug.

mine just so happens to have a very cute dog on it....go figure.

then, grab your favorite cocoa...

oh yes...chocolate caramel sundae!
i went through a lot of trouble to get this cocoa home.
it was in my carry-on bag, and apparently there were cell phone
chargers on either side of it, which caught the attention of the
tsa security people at the airport.
can you believe they thought my cocoa was a bomb?
they even swiped it for explosives.
thank goodness i got it back.

next grab a spoon from your drawer.

try to ignore that fact that there are water spots on it
and, try and remember what you were thinking when you
picked out that pattern for your wedding.
wow, dainty flowers, really?

next, add some hot water & stir it like ya mean it.

instant warm you up, go grab the remote, curl up on the couch, bliss.

your probably expecting a picture of my drinking it
but, since i burnt my tongue on the first sip,
i was too distraught to take a photo.
umm ya, that's it. :)

now, quit drooling over mine and go get your own!!

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